Neurons : Beyond Reductionism

Harnessing the Cerebral Networks

Human brain has been an enigma for many decades and its complex circuits poses elusive challenges even today. In this scenario, Brian J. Ford a research biologist based at Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge comes out with a totalistic perception of human neurons in a New Scientist article (The secrets of intelligence lies within a cell ) . Though it retains the conventional model of memory as consisting of a network of computers which engage in data processing, it traverses one step further. It says that every single neuron is a microcomputer. If it is so, it unravels many secrets from the capabilities of each of our sensory perceptions to the complexities involved in cognition. 

Many studies in neurosciences have indicated the potentials of neurons to understand the cognitive and psychological aspects of brain mechanisms. But these studies show a tendency to plunge into the forms of reductionism. Many scientists narrow down all ailments and properties of mind at the neural level. This will help only to deviate from the macro level environment of issues and diseases. Neuroscience need to come out of this approach and emerge as a holistic and interdisciplinary science. 

Gokul B. Alex
'clarity is rhythm'

A South Shift in World Economy

World Bank rewrites 'History'

World Bank has altered the world financial circuit for once and ever. BRIC ( Brazil, Russia, India and China ) nations and Korea has ascended the ladder on voting rights. This is nothing but the reflection of the post recessionary financial scenario. The announcement came after the meeting of World Bank Chief Robert E. Zoellick with the global leaders. India will have 7th largest stake in voting shares. But the Asian tiger is not satisfied yet. This is due to the increasing financial muscles of China. They have moved up to 3rd position in the hierarchy. As a tail end to this new history,it is Japan which has lost around its one tenth of the voting rights. 

However this cannot be seen as a gesture of free liberalism in the world order, but just because of the fact that India, China and Brazil have largely contributed to tide over the financial crisis that hit the world economy in the end of 2008. The World Bank agreed to raise its lending resources by more than $86 billion at a time when the world is still recovering from an economic downturn.  Zoellick said that more than half of the increase will come from developing countries.

Despite this change, World Bank has to traverse extra miles to gain a human face. Many loans given by World Bank are tied to the restructuring of the domestic economy in Developing countries. This is indeed a national sovereign question. And many times in the past World Bank and IMF acted as the stooges of US imperial interests. This was much visible during the Cold War Era and in the time of every recessionary phase. Now we can expect a new balance of power and paradigm shift in the world economy getting apace. 

Still Africa and most of the Latin American countries are under the shade of poverty. The World Bank Structural Adjustment Programmes ( SAP ) have wretched many havocs in African Economy. This included forcing the countries to cut down the spendings on Public welfare measures , privatising the public sector companies and pressurizing them to increase the interest rates. According to the report published byAsad Ismi ( Impoverishing a Continent: The World Bank and the IMF in Africa ) during 1960 - 1980, the GDP per capita grew by 36 % and it actually fell to 15 % during 1980 - 2000. Thus help becomes a havoc. 

This course of affairs needs urgent correction. And the new set of priorities and conditions of World Bank need to reflect the ground realities of Africa. Now there are widespread allegations that World Bank helps MNC's in many transactions and loans. This back stage dealing must be curtailed and more transparency need to brought into the affairs. Only by stretching the economic bandwagons further to spread to the continents, we can dream of a new Economic Era. And that rests on the safe hands when Power blends with responsibility. 

Gokul B. Alex
'clarity is rhythm'

The Great Afghan Game

Engaging with a Multi-Polar World

Our foreign diplomacy has been entangled in crude games since its birth. And it gets complex inversely proportional to the distance with the neighbour! When we see Indian diplomacy shaking its frail hands with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, it is sending some ubiquitous messages world over. We plead him not to associate with Taliban, whether good or bad ones. 

Beneath this request, there is an apparent intention to cut down the wings of Pakistan in this game. But United States has already nodded yes to the alliance with Taliban. And Karzai perceives Pakistan as its 'conjoined twin'. So where do we stand ? We have invested already a huge some of money and manpower in Afghanistan over the period of three years. And we have plunged into a 'No Man's Land'.

Hamid Karzai is in a venture to prove his statesmanship in an around the South East Asian region. This is his deft move following the discord with his former Western Allies including US and European Union. So he may not want to displease either India or Pakistan. And that offers a solace to Indian think tanks.

Thus in this juncture, instead of cautioning Hamid Karzai about Taliban and Pakistan, India should engage in a developmental discourse with him and explore the ways to harmonize the interests between the two nations, specifically in the field of energy.

Gokul B. Alex
'clarity is rhythm'

The Maoist Mayhem

Everyone needs a bad government

When the so called 'Maoist' army slaughtered 75 CRPF army men and a Police Constable, the nation was not wake up. And that slumber continues even now after the exhibition of tear jerker episodes over Television channels and the politician's hard learned rhetoric. Indian state is still perplexed whether to use the Aerial force or not, after all they are our race and kin ! 

On one side, the chair-play over the negotiations continues. The plight of the people and the question about the vast amount of land masses are missed here in between the cross-words. This traumatic incident will turn the state armies more hostile towards the pro-Naxal people. It will inject more fear among tribal and make them closer to the anti-state actors. Thus the situation evolves to a stage where India will lose its national identity among a section of its own people, creating a sort of fragmented nation state like situation. 

On the other side, this displacement of state will help the MNC's to roam around freely in vast amount of mineral rich areas. The Governmental stake will be reduced in the state of affairs. What a nice turn around!. Anti-Imperial Maoist forces paving the way for the global multi national corporations. This is the collaboration that we see behind the 'walking with the comrades' road show of Arundhathi Roy and her spat with the Government.

Every one needs a bad government. This is the epilogue for this multi-stage drama and the vitriolic campaigns from foreign funded Naxals and equally foreign funded facilitators throned in Indian bureaucracy. At the end of the day, Vedanata Resources ( an MNC involved in Bauxite mining in Chattisgarh and Jharkhand ) will get the ownership of the deserted Indian soils devoid of any Indian governmental stake holders. Only remnant residue will be the blood shed by the Jawans, tribals and the drugs infested foot army of the great Maoist spectre ...

Gokul B. Alex
'clarity is rhythm'

IPL Row: Who will bell the cat ?

Cricket weathers storms again

Defiant Lalit Modi challenging the BCCI over the IPL Chairmanship hasn't surprised many. It has become a different ball game for ever. 'Cash, lies  and IPL' this is how a 24X7 channel has lampooned this entire episode of events. What lies beneath Modi's arrogance ? Is it the sheer political clout that he enjoys with the rapport of NCP leader Sharad Pawar, or is it his not so infamous links with the 'D Company' or is it the murky details of others involved. Time will definitely be shy to reveal those details.

I-T Officials raiding Modi's Office 
Like the latino's obsession with soccer, cricket is our passionate blood. A colonial residue to many critics. Indeed it has become part of the popular culture of Neo-colonial Indian mindset bogged by the narcotization of media. Earlier it was Mumbai Cinema which was the channel for all the illicit monetary transactions. It continued till the early 90's. Thereafter it has been gradually shifting to cricket. And IPL has become the marriage of that past and present. A cocktail to suit all the monsters and masters. 

It was natural that an Imperial trained UN bureaucrat turned politician with the glamour of letters got attracted to this honey. But he could not get along with the seasoned players of the game. And there comes the exit of Mr.Shashi Tharoor, the Powerless back in Thiruvanathapuram. But the unholy alliances continues unabated despite the sacrifice of him. The ongoing I-T investigations may go down with the dust and the furore. As long as the foreign funds and underworld play relentless in this wicket, it is for sure that this pitch will weather storms of this kind.

Gokul B.Alex
'clarity is rhythm'